A Streetcar Named Desire

Poster Art by Jake Daniel Patterson
The play reveals to the very depths the character of Blanche du Bois, a woman whose life has been undermined by her romantic illusions, which lead her to reject—so far as possible—the realities of life with which she is faced and which she consistently ignores. The pressure brought to bear upon her by her sister, with whom she goes to live in New Orleans, intensified by the earthy and extremely "normal" young husband of the latter, leads to a revelation of her tragic self-delusion and, in the end, to madness.
This celebrated play had a long and successful run on Broadway and the road. A tragic and effective drama which ranks as one of the greatest in our theatre.
A note from Elena Gonzales
This production of A Streetcar Named Desire was completely student produced and directed as part of my 20% project from the Class of 2017. The full production was put up in the Classroom Blackbox. I had worked on the show for a year and half and completely fell in love with the story of Streetcar. I want to thank everyone who gave their time to the production and Ms.Chusid and Mr.Mozes for allowing me to venture out independently and exercise my vision.
It has been a wonderful 4 years at Lakes, I could not have asked for more,
Thank you all.
Elena Gonzalez